Stockholm conference for young auditors in Europe
On 12–15 September, the Swedish National Audit Office is hosting the Young EUROSAI Conference (YES). The conference is directed to young auditors from audit agencies linked to the regional organisation EUROSAI.
The YES Conference is a platform for international exchange among young auditors, 35 years or younger, and the purpose is to share new ideas and solutions to challenges that audit institutions face today and in the future. This is the fifth time the conference is being held. It brings together around 90 people from public audit institutions in Europe.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Experimental Culture”. This involves giving auditors the possibility to experiment and try new approaches to grow within their profession. It also involves an organisational culture in which employees are allowed to both succeed and fail and to learn from this. The conference theme will be highlighted from three perspectives: the role of the individual auditor, the development of the audit profession, and organisational conditions for change.
The conference will open on 13 September. The first day will be devoted to the individual perspective and will include conversations about being young and an innovator in an organisation, workshops and inspirational seminars on personal development and feedback.
The second day focuses on the audit perspective, with a focus on new and the future of auditing. The programme also touches on experimental approaches in auditing, how data analysis can be used, and how artificial intelligence and new technology can help streamline auditing.
The third and final day will highlight the organisational perspective and includes leadership, change processes and what conditions are needed in an organisation to support a culture of experimentation.
The outcome of the conference will be presented to EUROSAI to contribute to the development of the member institutions.
“The conference is an opportunity for young colleagues at audit institutions in Europe to make new contact, learn from each other and strengthen their skills. It is our ambition that the delegates will bring new knowledge and inspiration to their organisations and feel more confident in their professional role,” says Emma Johannesson, project manager at the International Department at the Swedish National Audit Office.
Social media posts about the conference use the hashtag #YES2022STHLM.
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Press contact: Olle Castelius, phone: +46 8-5171 40 04.
Presskontakt: Olle Castelius , telefon: 08-5171 42 06.
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