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Young auditors ask managers to support an experimental culture

During the Young EUROSAI (YES) conference in Stockholm, it was evident that leadership plays an important role in shaping a culture where employees can experiment and test new ideas. This is key to achieve development for both our staff and our audit operations. Therefore, the conference participants call on their managers to promote experimental culture in our organisations.

The main theme of the conference was ‘experimental culture’. In a rapidly changing society, it is important for SAIs to seek new methods and ways of working in order to stay relevant. To do so, we need to try new things, to dare, to fail, to learn and to succeed, while remaining a trustworthy and independent actor.

The mindset and attitude of senior management is crucial to ensure conditions are in place for creativity and innovation. Management is responsible for allocating sufficient time and resources, and for forging a culture in which employees have the possibility to try out new ideas.

The YES conference calls upon the Heads and other managers at Supreme Audit Institutions, SAIs, to support the following to promote experimental culture:

  • Create a working environment based on learning.
  • Improve feedback culture to promote qualitative feedback.
  • Allocate time for learning, exploring and brainstorming.
  • Promote and support employees’ work-life balance.
  • Be open to testing and implementing new tools and methods.
  • Find ways for your SAI to contribute to sustainable development.

– As heads and managers of SAIs, we must support our young employees and promote experimental culture in our organisations. It will benefit our work and build a foundation for success, says Helena Lindberg, Auditor General, The Swedish National Audit Office.

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Message from the YES conference Pdf, 3 MB.

About EUROSAI and the YES conference

The European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI)

EUROSAI is one of the Regional Organisations of INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions). EUROSAI has 51 members.

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The Young EUROSAI (YES) conference

The conference has been held every two years since 2013. This is an opportunity for young auditors to share new ideas and explore solutions to challenges facing supreme audit institutions today and in the future.

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Young EUROSAI Conference Stockholm 2022

Press contact: Olle Castelius, phone: +46 8-5171 40 04.

Presskontakt: , telefon: 08-5171 42 06.

Updated: 17 November 2022

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