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Award for the best performance audit goes to the Ghana Audit Service

For the second year running, the supreme audit institution of Ghana, Ghana Audit Service, is awarded the prize for the best performance audit within the African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions, AFROSAI-E.

The winning team and the auditor general of Sweden, Helena Lindberg.

Hannah Abeduwah Mensah (leader), Ayagiba Lawrence Ndaago (supervisor), Helena Lindberg (Auditor General of Sweden), Stephen Narkotey (Team member) not present: Isaac Mensah

The prize, which was launched by AFROSAI-E in 2008 with support from the Swedish National Audit Office (Swedish NAO), aims to encourage the development of performance audit in English-speaking Africa and highlight efforts made by individual performance auditors. As Chair of the Prize’s international jury, the Swedish NAO leads the process of selecting the winner.

A total of 11 reports from the supreme audit institutions of Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Uganda were nominated for this year’s competition. All nominated reports are of high quality and cover a wide range of areas. Several of the audits relate to the 2030 Agenda, which also makes them relevant from a global perspective.

“It is very encouraging to see that the nominations become stronger every year. Hard work and great commitment allows our sister agencies in the region to fulfil their responsibilities towards their citizens and help make better use of public resources,” says Auditor General Helena Lindberg.

The independent international jury unanimously declared Ghana Audit Service this year’s winner. The winning report is entitled “Fleet Management of the National Ambulance Service” and addresses an issue of great importance for healthcare in Ghana. The shortage of ambulances in Ghana has long been known and the purpose of the audit is to establish whether the measures put in place are sustainable and provide adequate care when it is needed.

“The winning report is of high quality and highlights conflicts of interest and inefficiency in the audited area. The recommendations have already resulted in measures, demonstrating the importance of supreme audit institutions’ work,” says Anders Berg, audit director at the Swedish NAO and chair of the international jury.

The Prize is presented by Auditor General Helena Lindberg at the AFROSAI-E yearly strategic meeting for Auditors General in the region. The audit team behind the winning report is offered a study visit to the Swedish NAO for the purpose of exchanging knowledge and experience with their Swedish colleagues.


The Swedish NAO has a long-term cooperation with AFROSAI-E, which organises supreme audit institutions in 26 countries in English-speaking Africa. The goal of the cooperation is to strengthen public audit in the region, thereby contributing to the sound use of public resources and effective systems for accountability in the countries in the region. AFROSAI-E is a subgroup of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), which is a global umbrella organisation for Supreme Audit Institutions, of which the Swedish NAO is also a member.

More information

The winning report “Fleet Management of the National Ambulance Service”

The jury’s motivation Pdf, 169 kB.

The Swedish NAO’s international operations

The Swedish NAO conducts a wide range of international operations. The office represents Sweden in international contexts and is instructed by the Riksdag, within the context of Swedish development cooperation, to support the development of supreme audit institutions in other countries. Currently, the Swedish NAO is active in bilateral cooperation projects in Armenia, Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Moldova, Palestine, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. In addition, the Swedish NAO is involved in five regional partnerships targeting 43 Supreme Audit Institutions in the Western Balkans, Africa, South-East Asia, and the Pacific area.

Press contact: Olle Castelius, phone: +46 8-5171 40 04.

Presskontakt: , telefon: 08-5171 42 06.

Updated: 09 May 2023

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