Riksrevisionen logotyp, länk till startsidan.
Riksrevisionen logotyp, länk till startsidan.




Aseansai, ”The 6th Aseansai Senior Officials’ meeting”, Aseansai Newsletter, vol. III, 2021, http://www.aseansai.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Newsletter- Aseansai -Vol-III-2021.pdf, hämtad 2022-03-23.


Lag (2002:1023) med instruktion för Riksrevisionen.


African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions, Afrosai-e Integrated Annual Report 2019, 2020.

African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions, Evaluation report against logframe, Afrosai-e, 2020.

African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions, State of the Region: ICBF Self-Assessment Report for the Year 2017, Afrosai-e, 2018.

Asean Supreme Audit Institutions, Strategic Plan 2022–2025. Aseansai, 2021.

Gaya, Y., Annual Report of the Auditor General for the Year Ended December 31, 2019, Office of the Auditor General Government of Liberia, 2020.

Intosai Capacity Building Committee, Intosai strategic plan 2017-22 CBC strategic objectives and initiatives, Intosai, 2016.

Intosai Development Initiative, Global SAI Stocktaking Report 2020, IDI, 2021.

Intosai-Donor Cooperation, Institutional Development Cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, Intosai, 2017.

Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions, Pasai Annual Report 2020 – 2021, Pasai, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Action plan in the context of CoA employee satisfaction survey, Riksrevisionen, 2020.

Riksrevisionen, Activity report on support to QA in Afrosai-e, Riksrevisionen, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Enkätundersökning: Final Survey Report Pasai HRM program, Riksrevisionen, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Enkätundersökning: Module course in Performance audit in cooperation with Afrosai-e, Riksrevisionen, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Enkätundersökning: Tanzania Dodoma och Dar - Training in cooperation with the Swedish NAO, Riksrevisionen, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Mission report Performance Audit mission, Riksrevisionen, 2019.

Riksrevisionen, Progress report August 2018 – September 2019, Development Cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and Supreme Audit Office of Afghanistan, Riksrevisionen, 2019.

Riksrevisionen, Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2019, Riksrevisionen, 2020.

Riksrevisionen, Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2020, Riksrevisionen, 2021.

Riksrevisionen, Riksrevisionens årsredovisning för 2021, Riksrevisionen, 2022.

Riksrevisionen, Strategi för Riksrevisionens internationella utvecklingssamarbete 2022–2025, Riksrevisionen, 2022.

Royal Government of Cambodia, Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Performance Assessment Report 2017-2020, PEFA, 2021.

Supreme Audit Office Afghanistan, Annual Report 2019, Supreme Audit Office Afghanistan, 2020.

The Court of Accounts of Moldova, Quality Assurance Action Plan: The Court of Accounts quality control system self-assessments result, 2020.


Ernst & Young, Sweden, Evaluation of the cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the National Audit Authority of Cambodia, 2021.

Ernst & Young, Sweden, Evaluation of the second phase of the Swedish National Audit Office’s cooperation with the SAACB of Palestine, 2021.

Ernst & Young, Sweden, Evaluation of the Swedish National Audit Office’s cooperation with the National Audit Office of Tanzania, 2021.

Ernst & Young, Evaluation of the Swedish National Audit Office’s cooperation with the Office of the Auditor General of Uganda, 2020.

Niras, Evaluation of the African Organisation of English-Speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (Afrosai-e), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 2022.

Ramboll, Evaluation of the institutional development cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Kosovo National Audit Office, 2022.

Ramboll, Evaluation of the institutional development cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Office of the Auditor General of Kenya, 2022.

Ramboll, Evaluation of the institutional development cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Office of the Auditor General of Zimbabwe, 2022.

Ramboll, Evaluation of the regional development cooperation between the Swedish National Audit Office and the Western Balkans and Türkiye, 2022.


FN-förbundet UNA Sweden, ”Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling”, https://fn.se/vi-gor/vi-utbildar-och-informerar/fn-info/vad-gor-fn/fns-arbete-for-utveckling-och-fattigdomsbekampning/agenda2030-och-de-globala-malen/?msclkid=0f373801b00011ec8caf170c49a9f6ac, hämtad 2022-03-30.

Intosai CBC Blog, ”SAI Kiribati: Our young journey in Human Resources”, 24 Aug 2021, https://www.intosaicbc.org/sai-kiribati-our-young-journey-in-human-resources/, hämtad 2022-03-17.

Intosai Donor Cooperation. ”About the Intosai Donor Cooperation”, https://intosaidonor.org/who-we-are/background/, hämtad 2022-06-20.

Openaid, ”Bilateral capacity building support to State Audit Office of Afghanistan”, https://openaid.se/en/activities/SE-0-SE-27-4-1-1-2018-0822-625-15111, hämtad 2022-03-15.

Pretorius, A., ”Tanzania wins Prize for the best Performance Audit Report of 2019”, https://afrosai-e.org.za/2020/05/11/tanzania-wins-prize-for-the-best-performance-audit-report-of-2019-2/, hämtad 2022-03-14.

Riksrevisionen, ”Rapporter och andra granskningsresultat”, https://www.riksrevisionen.se/rapporter.html, hämtad 2022-06-15.

Uppdaterad: 06 oktober 2022

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