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The Swedish National Audit Office in two minutes

The Swedish National Audit Office has the task of auditing central government activities. We examine whether implemented reforms have had the intended effect, whether tax revenues have been used efficiently and whether government agencies have provided a true and fair presentation of their operations. Our results form the basis of discussion and decisions on changes related to important issues in society. Here, you can watch a short film (in Swedish with English subtitles) that explains why we need an independent audit authority in Sweden.

Transcription of the film

In a democracy, ambitions might differ. But, when we make decisions together, the outcome should be as intended. This, we are all agreed on.

Our central government agencies deal with important public services that we depend on, and that must stand up to scrutiny. However, checking that government agencies operate efficiently, follow regulations and report their activities correctly is no easy task. This is why we need an independent audit authority.

The Swedish National Audit Office has the designated responsibility to evaluate the results of political decisions. We can determine whether central government agencies are managed and run their operations efficiently and we can check that their accounts are accurate. We have the tools, the skills and the time required.

Our work provides a basis for an objective debate and informed political decisions. It also improves your ability to influence developments in society.

It is matter of having access to facts. This has never been more important.