Logotype The Swedish NAO, link to startpage.

About the Swedish NAO website

The overall purpose of the Swedish National Audit Office website is to make our audit findings accessible. The website is to facilitate democratic transparency, both of the organisations we audit and our own. The website is also to support research and development about and within public administration.


The content of this website mainly consists of the audit findings of the Swedish National Audit Office. Here you will find all our reports and auditor’s reports dispatched since the agency was formed in 2003. You will also find information about performance audits started and ongoing, news articles and comments, consultation responses, vacancies, contact information and information about our international commitments.

The content of the English website is limited and consists first and foremost of summaries of our audit reports from our Performance Audit, our current projects within the International development cooperation and brief information about the Swedish NAO, our mission and objectives.

Target groups

The main target groups for our communications are politicians and officials at the Riksdag and the Government Offices, as well as employees of central government agencies and state-owned enterprises and foundations. However, as a citizen and private individual, business operator or member of a stakeholder organisation you are also part of an important target group for us. As a user of the public services offered by government agencies, you must be able to use the website to access independent information on how agencies meet their obligations – information that is useful to you if you want to exercise your democratic right to exert influence or form opinion.

Our own employees and our future employees, seeking information about the Swedish National Audit Office as an employer, are also among our target groups.

Apart from our primary target groups, we have other stakeholders, such as journalists, researchers, teachers, students and politicians and officials in municipal and county council operations. Others interested in the Swedish National Audit Office's operations may come from Swedish and international organisations active in the audit sector as a whole.

Tagging (meta-data labelling)

All reports, auditor’s reports, news articles and information on the Swedish website about ongoing audits are tagged with the relevant government ministry, public agency, company, subject area and Auditor General responsible. These tags are shown in a tag cloud at the bottom of the page and are linked to the website organisation and subject pages. The pages are also clearly marked with type of content and publication date. All web pages contain information in the footer on the date of the latest content updates.


The website is developed to comply with the web accessibility guidelines of WCAG 2.0 level A. In many respects, it also complies with level AA, and further customization is ongoing.

Browsers and platforms

The website is tested, and in all essentials it supports all modern (and updated) browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

The website works best with a computer and has a full size content area, equivalent to1024 pixels. The website also works well with tablets and mobile phones – even if the appearance changes when the pages are scaled down, no content is lost apart from some decorative image components. However, content may be moved and displayed in a different order if you visit the site on a mobile phone.

The website uses the platform Sitevision for publication and content management.


The website uses cookies (small text-based files placed on the visitor's computer), to improve site functionality and to analyse statistics, in order to develop the website and its content. By using this site, you accept having cookies placed on your computer, phone or tablet. You can easily turn off the use of cookies in your browser.

All text-based content on the website, including the Swedish National Audit Office’s reports may be used and quoted freely on condition that the source is stated. The Swedish National Audit Office owns the copyright to all material unless otherwise stated. At the time of publication of our performance audit reports we sometimes publish background reports and other material compiled by external consultants and researchers on behalf of the Swedish National Audit Office. In that case this is stated in the material. For information on copyright in these cases, please contact us via the form in the footer.

Photographs of the Auditors General in our archive may be used freely for editorial purposes on condition that the name of the photographer is stated. No other images on the website may be used without the permission of the Swedish National Audit Office’s Communication Department.

The Swedish National Audit Office’s logotype may only be used with the consent of the Swedish National Audit Office’s Communication Department. Consent is given only where the Swedish National Audit Office is the sender of the information, for example in connection with conferences and trade fairs in which we participate. For questions, please use the contact form in the footer.


The aim of the Swedish National Audit Office is to ensure that all information on the website is correct and updated. However, we would like to point out that we only subsequently amend news articles in exceptional cases, and therefore they may contain facts and circumstances that have changed since the article was published.

We continually monitor broken links to other websites but we are not able at all times to verify that links are correct and that they contain relevant information.

Questions about content and functionality

If you need help to find what you are searching for or have difficulty in using the website please contact us via the contact form below in the footer. We are grateful for any comments or ideas that can help us to improve this website.


You can also contact our Helpdesk for technical support.
+ 46 36 299 45 45 (Monday – Friday, 08:00-16:30).


Per Ringsäter, Communication Department
+ 46 8 5171 42 37

Updated: 08 March 2018

Contact form

Send your questions or comments via the form below and we will make sure that they reach the right member of staff. Please state if your question concerns the information on this particular page.

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