International operations
The Swedish National Audit Office engages in extensive international operations. We represent Sweden in international contexts and we also have the Riksdag’s (Parliament) assignment to conduct international development cooperation.
International development cooperation
The aim of the international development co-operation is to help build stronger audit institutions in developing countries, to enable these organizations carry out their audits in accordance with internationally accepted standards. At present the Swedish NAO is primarily an institutional cooperation partner in several bilateral projects in Africa and in South-East Europe, but we are also involved in a regional project for English-speaking SAIs in Africa (AFROSAI-E) and a few more countries. The Riksdag has been granting the Swedish NAO funds to be used in the international development co-operation since 2004.
Read more about our development cooperation projects
International relations
The Swedish NAO's bilateral contacts mainly takes place through membership in international cooperation bodies. We also have regular bilateral contacts with sister-organizations, funding organizations etc. and we regularly welcome international delegations to our office and we respond to numerous international queries each year.
Read more about our international relations
EU cooperation
The Swedish NAO assists the European Court of Auditors in its examination of the use of EU funds in Sweden. In addition, the Swedish NAO co-operates actively with the SAIs of the other EU member states. The main purpose of this co-operation is to exchange information and experience as regards the auditing of EU funds.
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