Audit reports 2020
Audit reports annually
Audit Reports/Summaries 2020
- Support and Matching – a free choice system for jobseekers (RiR 2020:13)
- State support with shared responsibility between agencies – Effectiveness and simplifications (RiR 2020:23)
- Industrial policy outcome evaluations– poor reliability (RiR 2020:30)
- Regional Structural Fund Partnerships – do they provide a framework for effective use of EU funds? (RiR 2020:10)
- Efficiency of employment services– the attitudes and working methods of employment officers are significant (RiR 2020:5)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2020 (RiR 2020:29)
- The expenditure ceiling – different roles in different times (RiR 2020:28)
- Special payroll tax for older people – reporting and effects (RiR 2020:24)
- Sida’s guarantee operations – central government's work with guarantees in Swedish development cooperation (RiR 2020:21)
- Maintaining confidence – the Swedish Broadcasting Commission’s review of public service companies (RiR 2020:26)
- Future tax revenues and changed energy use (RiR 2020:25)
- The right measure in the right place – police work in vulnerable areas (RiR 2020:20)
- Government initiatives to combat labour exploitation – regulations, inspections, information and support to victims (RiR 2020:27)
- Automated decision-making in public administration – effective and efficient, but inadequate control and follow-up (RiR 2020:22)
- Finansinspektionen’s work to combat conflicts of interest (RiR 2020:18)
- The Elderly Care Initiative – effectiveness of central government investment in quality registers in elderly care (RiR 2020:19)
- Operation and maintenance of railways – extensive cost deviations (RiR 2020:17)
- Efficiency at Swedish Prison and Probation Service prisons (RiR 2020:16)
- Governance of programmes for subject teachers – an audit of Gävle University College, Linnaeus University and Stockholm University (RiR 2020:15)
- Support and Matching – a free choice system for jobseekers (2020:13)
- Targeted government grants for socio-economically vulnerable areas (RiR 2020:14)
- The route to work after refused sickness benefit (RiR 2020:12)
- Incentives detrimental to growth in the local income equalisation system? (RiR 2020:11)
- Return activities – results, costs and effectiveness (RiR 2020:7)
- Innovation through partnership – Government investments in Strategic Innovation Partnership Programmes and Strategic Innovation Programmes (RiR 2020:6)
- Central government measures for more green cars (RiR 2020:1)
- The large-family supplement in the child allowance – a general allowance that could be more efficient (RiR 2020:9)
- The National Board of Trade’s work to overcome trade barriers – the crucial importance of data collection (RiR 2020:8)
- Holding companies at higher education institutions – deficiencies in governance and administration (RiR 2020:4)
- Consumer protection for buyers of newly built tenant-owned apartments (RiR 2020:3)
- The RUT deduction for household services – consequences of the reform (RiR 2020:2)