Audit reports 2023
Audit reports annually
Audit Reports/Summaries 2023
- National plan for transport infrastructure – promises more than it delivers (RiR 2023:25)
- Business Sweden – governance of the Swedish Trade and Invest Council (RiR 2023:27)
- The costs and effects of tax deduction on home repair services (RiR 2023:26)
- Government application of the fiscal policy framework 2023 (RiR 2023:24)
- Pharmaceutical prescription – central government governance and supervision (RiR 2023:23)
- Emergency number 112 – Central government and SOS Alarm management of emergency calls (RiR 2023:22)
- The Riksbank’s asset purchases – a costly experience (RiR 2023:21)
- Information security at higher education institutions – management of research data requiring protection (RiR 2023:20)
- The system for revoking residence permits (RiR 2023:19)
- Subsidised jobs – counteracting errors in a system fraught with serious risks (RiR 2023:17)
- Central government management of compulsory land acquisition – valuation and compensation practices (RiR 2023:18)
- Easy to get it wrong – the system for compensation for high sick pay costs (RiR 2023:16)
- Central government measures to develop the electricity system – reactive and poorly substantiated (RiR 2023:15)
- Waiting for health care – central government policy instruments for shorter waiting times are inefficient (RiR 2023:12)
- Samhall’s public policy assignment – governance and organisation in need of change (RiR 2023:14)
- Amended income tax rules in 2011–2023 – reporting to the Riksdag was inadequate (RiR 2023:10)
- End-of-life solar panels and wind turbine blades – central government measures for effective management (RiR 2023:11)
- Greenhouse gas reduction mandate – implementation and effectiveness risks (RiR 2023:13)
- National communicable disease control – not adapted for large scale spread of disease (RiR 2023:9)
- Government control of national information and cyber security – both urgent and important (RiR 2023:8)
- Police management of volume crime – an activity whose capabilities need to be strengthened (RiR 2023:2)
- Putting out fires – the work of the Swedish Police Authority on special events targeting serious crime (RiR 2023:5)
- Trust and control – central government grants to civil society (RiR 2023:7)
- Digital services for individuals – major development opportunities for government agencies (RiR 2023:6)
- Mandatory reporting – central government efforts to prevent healthcare-related injuries and mistreatment in health and social care for the elderly (RiR 2023:4)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2022 (RiR 2023:3)
- Establishment of government agencies outside of Stockholm – small regional contributions without jeopardised efficiency in the long term (RiR 2023:1)