Audit reports
Audit reports annually
Audit Reports/Summaries Audit reports
- Third-country students in higher education – admission, residence permits and organisation of education (RiR 2024:21)
- Supervision of medical devices – priorities, implementation and follow-up (RiR 2024:23)
- Swedish Security Service’s activities (RiR 2024:24)
- The Government’s application of the fiscal policy framework in 2024 (RiR 2024:25)
- From vision to reality – sector responsibility in disability policy (RiR 2024:22)
- The Industrial Leap programme – planning, implementation and follow-up (RiR 2024:17)
- Teleworking at central government agencies (RiR 2024:20)
- Central government efforts to reduce discharge of harmful substances into the sea from shipping (RiR 2024:18)
- Social insurance in connection with foreign income – high risk of incorrect payments (RiR 2024:16)
- Swedish Gambling Authority’s supervision of the gambling market (RiR 2024:19)
- Transitioning jobseekers with short-term education into regular education – mission, activities and governance (RiR 2024:3)
- The effectiveness of the housing allowance – overcrowding and absolute poverty (RiR 2024:15)
- Tools for change – The treatment activities of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service (RiR 2024:13)
- The exception that became the rule – The Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s use of overriding reasons at 180 days of sick leave (RiR 2024:14)
- Who’s there? – Establishing identity at government agencies (RiR 2024:12)
- Protected area management (RiR 2024:11)
- The Swedish Inheritance Fund – money in search of meaning (RiR 2024:2)
- The National Board of Institutional Care’s special residential homes for young people – shortcomings in state compulsory care of children and youths (RiR 2024:7)
- The formation of Svevia and Infranord – inadequately fulfilled intentions (RiR 2024:10)
- Inadequate interventions when children are suspected of serious crimes (RiR 2024:9)
- State supervision to combat money laundering – deficient in scope and effectiveness (RiR 2024:8)
- Information security in health and social care – central government support and supervision (RiR 2024:6)
- State efforts to strengthen compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child – high ambitions but inadequate implementation (RiR 2024:5)
- Sweden’s international development aid – monitoring, evaluation and reporting (RiR 2024:4)
- State protection of individuals under threat – deficiencies in scope and effectiveness (RiR 2024:1)
- National plan for transport infrastructure – promises more than it delivers (RiR 2023:25)
- Business Sweden – governance of the Swedish Trade and Invest Council (RiR 2023:27)
- The costs and effects of tax deduction on home repair services (RiR 2023:26)
- Government application of the fiscal policy framework 2023 (RiR 2023:24)
- Pharmaceutical prescription – central government governance and supervision (RiR 2023:23)
- Emergency number 112 – Central government and SOS Alarm management of emergency calls (RiR 2023:22)
- The Riksbank’s asset purchases – a costly experience (RiR 2023:21)
- Information security at higher education institutions – management of research data requiring protection (RiR 2023:20)
- The system for revoking residence permits (RiR 2023:19)
- Subsidised jobs – counteracting errors in a system fraught with serious risks (RiR 2023:17)
- Central government management of compulsory land acquisition – valuation and compensation practices (RiR 2023:18)
- Easy to get it wrong – the system for compensation for high sick pay costs (RiR 2023:16)
- Central government measures to develop the electricity system – reactive and poorly substantiated (RiR 2023:15)
- Waiting for health care – central government policy instruments for shorter waiting times are inefficient (RiR 2023:12)
- Samhall’s public policy assignment – governance and organisation in need of change (RiR 2023:14)
- Amended income tax rules in 2011–2023 – reporting to the Riksdag was inadequate (RiR 2023:10)
- End-of-life solar panels and wind turbine blades – central government measures for effective management (RiR 2023:11)
- Greenhouse gas reduction mandate – implementation and effectiveness risks (RiR 2023:13)
- National communicable disease control – not adapted for large scale spread of disease (RiR 2023:9)
- Government control of national information and cyber security – both urgent and important (RiR 2023:8)
- Police management of volume crime – an activity whose capabilities need to be strengthened (RiR 2023:2)
- Putting out fires – the work of the Swedish Police Authority on special events targeting serious crime (RiR 2023:5)
- Trust and control – central government grants to civil society (RiR 2023:7)
- Digital services for individuals – major development opportunities for government agencies (RiR 2023:6)
- Mandatory reporting – central government efforts to prevent healthcare-related injuries and mistreatment in health and social care for the elderly (RiR 2023:4)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2022 (RiR 2023:3)
- Establishment of government agencies outside of Stockholm – small regional contributions without jeopardised efficiency in the long term (RiR 2023:1)
- More haste, less speed – the government service offices under new management (RiR 2022:28)
- Central government initiatives for equitable grading – the discrepancy between grades and national test results (RiR 2022:22)
- Delay charges and right of recourse – central government measures to counteract train delays (RiR 2022:27)
- Harassment, threats and violence – preventive measures and response at government agencies (RiR 2022:26)
- Government grants to adult education associations – control and follow-up (RiR 2022:20)
- The Swedish Transport Agency’s supervision – governance and priorities (RiR 2022:24)
- Expansion without priority – human resources provision of squad leaders, soldiers and sailors in continuous service (RiR 2022:19)
- Changing tracks in the migration process – controls and follow-up (RiR 2022:21)
- Environmental sustainability in central government procurement – on the right track but a long way to go (RiR 2022:25)
- Higher vocational education – ambitions, governance and follow-up (RiR 2021:13)
- The National Agency for Education statistical remit – information, follow-up and evaluation (RiR 2022:23)
- Central government efforts to adapt the built environment to climate change (RiR 2022:29)
- The school voucher system – efficiency and consequences (RiR 2022:17)
- Central government supervision of pharmacies and wholesale trade in medicinal products (RiR 2022:11)
- Central government initiatives to stimulate investments in data centres (RiR 2022:18)
- The Government’s input to the Riksdag during the pandemic – additional amending budgets in 2020 and 2021 (RiR 2022:16)
- The Swedish Consumer Agency’s supervision of marketing and contract terms (RiR 2022:13)
- Central government efforts to combat invasive alien species (RiR 2022:12)
- Central government efforts to secure protective equipment – crisis management at considerable cost (RiR 2022:10)
- Act on the Reception of Certain Newly Arrived Immigrants for Settlement (Settlement Act)– has the reform met the intentions? (RiR 2021:29)
- Who, how and why – Sida’s choice of partners and aid modalities (RiR 2022:9)
- Gender mainstreaming integration policy – An unused tool (RiR 2018:33)
- The Government’s regional development policy – a weak basis for effective cohesive government action (RiR 2022:8)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2021 (RiR 2021:31)
- Swedish Economic Crime Authority – combating organised economic crime (RiR 2021:30)
- Online child sexual abuse – major challenges for police and prosecutors (RiR 2021:25)
- On shaky ground – decision support ahead of major reforms (RiR 2022:15)
- Central government suicide prevention work – effective interaction? (RiR 2021:26)
- Digital medical consultations and agency locum doctors in the sick-listing process (RiR 2022:6)
- Calculate for less – the annual recalculation of agencies’ appropriations (RiR 2022:2)
- Compensation to legal counsel in criminal cases – serious deficiencies in follow-up and control (RiR 2021:27)
- Operation Save the Industry – State emergency support to sport and culture during the COVID-19 pandemic (RiR 2022:7)
- Waiting for a judgment – migration courts’ processing time in asylum cases (RiR 2022:5)
- Suitable counsel with fair compensation – handling public counsel in migration cases (RiR 2022:14)
- The State wage guarantee – existence of abuse and agencies’ controls (RiR 2022:4)
- Property formation in Sweden – processing times, fees and reform needs (RiR 2022:3)
- Central government funding of municipalities – distribution of the municipal property charge and targeted government grants (RiR 2022:1)
- The 2018 PISA survey – ensuring reliable student participation (RiR 2021:12)
- Central government agencies’ R&D activities – governance and processes for quality, relevance and economy (RiR 2021:5)
- Swedish development aid to multilateral organisations – the Government’s and Sida’s work (RiR 2021:28)
- Support and Matching – a free choice system for jobseekers (RiR 2020:13)
- State support with shared responsibility between agencies – Effectiveness and simplifications (RiR 2020:23)
- Building national defence capabilities – central government efforts to strengthen army forces (RiR 2021:23)
- Effectiveness of the Police Authority’s work to provide information to victims of crime (RiR 2021:20)
- The work of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency to prevent sick leave – an unclear remit (RiR 2021:19)
- The Swedish Tax Agency’s work to tax the sharing economy (RiR 2021:16)
- Cost control in infrastructure investments (RiR 2021:22)
- The energy performance certificate system – clear purpose but unclear goal (RiR 2021:21)
- The AP Funds’ sustainability work – investments and corporate governance (RiR 2021:18)
- Public performance reports in social services – limited contribution to good quality (RiR 2021:17)
- Central government co-financing of regional public transport – the National Negotiation on Housing and Infrastructure’s metropolitan agreements (RiR 2021:15)
- Greatest possible health for tax money spent – central government reimbursement of medicines (RiR 2021:14)
- Re-regulation of the vehicle inspection market (RiR 2021:11)
- Sustainable business – the Government’s governance of state-owned companies (RiR 2021:10)
- Coming to Sweden as a relative – legal certainty in family reunification cases (RiR 2021:9)
- Please hold, the agencies are going digital – service for individuals who cannot or do not want to be digital (RiR 2021:8)
- Project grants from appropriation 2:4 Emergency preparedness – a policy instrument with challenges (RiR 2021:7)
- Administration in central government agencies – changes in progress (RiR 2021:3)
- The State’s responsibility for veterinary services – the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s governance and implementation (RiR 2021:4)
- Specific government assignments to universities and other higher education institutions– the Government’s governance through design and follow-up (RiR 2021:1)
- The transport subsidy – inadequate documentation and unclear achievement of objectives (RiR 2021:2)
- Industrial policy outcome evaluations– poor reliability (RiR 2020:30)
- Regional Structural Fund Partnerships – do they provide a framework for effective use of EU funds? (RiR 2020:10)
- Efficiency of employment services– the attitudes and working methods of employment officers are significant (RiR 2020:5)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2020 (RiR 2020:29)
- The expenditure ceiling – different roles in different times (RiR 2020:28)
- Special payroll tax for older people – reporting and effects (RiR 2020:24)
- Sida’s guarantee operations – central government's work with guarantees in Swedish development cooperation (RiR 2020:21)
- Maintaining confidence – the Swedish Broadcasting Commission’s review of public service companies (RiR 2020:26)
- Future tax revenues and changed energy use (RiR 2020:25)
- The right measure in the right place – police work in vulnerable areas (RiR 2020:20)
- Government initiatives to combat labour exploitation – regulations, inspections, information and support to victims (RiR 2020:27)
- Automated decision-making in public administration – effective and efficient, but inadequate control and follow-up (RiR 2020:22)
- Finansinspektionen’s work to combat conflicts of interest (RiR 2020:18)
- The Elderly Care Initiative – effectiveness of central government investment in quality registers in elderly care (RiR 2020:19)
- Operation and maintenance of railways – extensive cost deviations (RiR 2020:17)
- Efficiency at Swedish Prison and Probation Service prisons (RiR 2020:16)
- Governance of programmes for subject teachers – an audit of Gävle University College, Linnaeus University and Stockholm University (RiR 2020:15)
- Support and Matching – a free choice system for jobseekers (2020:13)
- Resource efficiency and productivity of Swedish higher education institutions in the Nordic countries (RiR 2019:21)
- Targeted government grants for socio-economically vulnerable areas (RiR 2020:14)
- The route to work after refused sickness benefit (RiR 2020:12)
- Incentives detrimental to growth in the local income equalisation system? (RiR 2020:11)
- Return activities – results, costs and effectiveness (RiR 2020:7)
- Innovation through partnership – Government investments in Strategic Innovation Partnership Programmes and Strategic Innovation Programmes (RiR 2020:6)
- Central government measures for more green cars (RiR 2020:1)
- The large-family supplement in the child allowance – a general allowance that could be more efficient (RiR 2020:9)
- The National Board of Trade’s work to overcome trade barriers – the crucial importance of data collection (RiR 2020:8)
- Holding companies at higher education institutions – deficiencies in governance and administration (RiR 2020:4)
- Consumer protection for buyers of newly built tenant-owned apartments (RiR 2020:3)
- The RUT deduction for household services – consequences of the reform (RiR 2020:2)
- Free admission to state museums (RiR 2019:39)
- The fiscal policy framework – application by the Government in 2019 (RiR 2019:38)
- Exemption from compulsory school attendance – rules, application and supervision (RiR 2019:37)
- Svenska skeppshypotekskassan (RiR 2019:36)
- The electoral process – secrecy of the ballot, accuracy and acceptable time frame (RiR 2019:35)
- Thinking ahead – central government planning of high-speed railways (RiR 2019:31)
- Health and Social Care Inspectorate – hampered supervision (RiR 2019:33)
- The National Accounts – a firmer basis for fiscal policy (RiR 2019:34)
- Consumer protection in the financial area – conditions and central government supervision (RiR 2019:32)
- Obsolescent IT systems – an obstacle to effective digitalisation (RiR 2019:28)
- Gender-equal sickness absence – are men and women assessed equally in the sicklisting process? (RiR 2019:19)
- Overcrowded accommodation – consequences for health and performance at school (RiR 2019:9)
- Hidden statistics for the housing supplement (RiR 2019:22)
- If the worst should happen – central government work to prevent and manage nuclear accidents (RiR 2019:30)
- Support for starting up a business – long-term effects and the Swedish Public Employment Service’s approach (RiR 2019:27)
- The municipal financial equalisation system – a need for more equalisation and better management (RiR 2019:29)
- The Swedish Competition Authority’s supervision – conditions for effective use of resources (RiR 2019:26)
- Financial support for renovation and energy efficiency – a focused initiative in certain housing areas (RiR 2019:25)
- Operation and maintenanceof public roads – considerably more expensive than agreed (RiR 2019:24)
- Non-enforced decisions – reporting obligation and special charge in the Social Services Act and the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (RiR 2019:23)
- The Swedish Public Employment Service's job matching – weak knowledge base and inadequate governance (RiR 2019:18)
- Financial support to municipalities for increased housing construction (RiR 2019:20)
- Sida’s humanitarian aid and long-term development cooperation – prerequisites for collaboration (RiR 2019:17)
- The Discrimination Act’s equal pay survey requirement – a blunt instrument for reducing the gender pay gap (RiR 2019:16)
- Purchasing on objective grounds – protection for government agencies against related-party transactions that undermine trust (RiR 2019:8)
- Making it easier to start a business – government efforts to promote a digital process (RiR 2019:14)
- Governance of the judicial chain (RiR 2019:15)
- The task of promoting knowledge in compulsory schools for students with learning disabilities – control, support and follow-up (RiR 2019:13)
- Swedish Customs control – an accurate enterprise? (RiR 2019:12)
- Gender Equality in Almi’s Lending Operations – Unclear Governance and Reporting (RiR 2019:7)
- The Art of Governing – the Government’s management of cultural sector institutions (RiR 2019:10)
- Authority-wide actions against organised crime – shortcomings in steering and monitoring (RiR 2019:11)
- Management of the premium pension system – Cost effectiveness in the best interests of savers (RiR 2018:32)
- The force of habit – Central governance of the county administrative boards (RiR 2019:2)
- The Swedish Schools Inspectorate’s follow-up of shortcomings in schools – an important work that can be improved (RiR 2019:6)
- Regional export centres – one part of Sweden’s export strategy (RiR 2019:3)
- Klimatklivet – Support for Local Climate Investments (RiR 2019:1)
- Planning for the future – the central government’s work with scenarios within environmental, energy, transport and housing policy (RiR 2019:4)
- Preserving the collections – the security work of the Swedish national central museums’ collections management (RiR 2019:5)
- Preparing for better supervision – State guidance on municipal supervision (RiR 2018:31)
- The intentions and effectiveness of the government reform when establishing UHR and UKÄ (RiR 2018:35)
- The unauthorised dissemination of national tests – what are the Swedish National Agency for Education and the Swedish Schools Inspection doing? (RiR 2018:34)
- The four-step principle in transport infrastructure planning – is it being applied as intended? (RiR 2018:30)
- Long-term effects of extended choices for upper secondary school – from proximity principle to grading principle (RiR 2018:28)
- The Swedish Unemployment Insurance Funds, the Swedish Unemployment Insurance Board, and unemployment insurance − more can be done to promote equivalence (RiR 2018:27)
- Reduced VAT on food – price effect, distribution profile and cost effectiveness (RiR 2018:25)
- The sales of state shares in Nordea (RiR 2018:29)
- The Annual Municipal Accounts – is the income statement and the balance sheet reliable? (RiR 2018:23)
- The Rural Development Program 2014–2020 – design and implementation (RiR 2018:26)
- The effects of investment aid on the construction of special housing for the elderly are unclear (RiR 2018:24)
- Investment savings account – a simple form of saving in a complex tax system (RiR 2018:19)
- Insurance medicine decision support – a support for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency in cases of mental illness? (RiR 2018:22)
- New signal system for the railway – efficiency in the implementation of ERTMS (RiR 2018:21)
- The Government’s governance of public enterprises (RiR 2018:5)
- The State as procurer of consultancy services – think first, then act (RiR 2018:20)
- The Swedish National Debt Office’s use of interest rate swaps – motives, results and reporting (RiR 2018:18)
- The protection of valuable forest (RiR 2018:17)
- The Swedish Transport Administration’s support to research and innovation – decision-support, agreements and follow-up (RiR 2018:16)
- National defence at regional level – role and responsibility of regional staffs (RiR 2018:14)
- Protection against fraud in migration activities at missions abroad (RiR 2018:13)
- Preparatory and orientation training – follow-up of participants in the introduction system (RiR 2018:12)
- Number of participants in new labour market policy measures – wishful thinking instead of accurate volume forecasts (RiR 2018:10)
- The Annual Municipal Accounts as a basis for comparing municipalities – are the cost indicators reliable? (RiR 2018:7)
- Supply of food and medicinal products – societal security and important public services (RiR 2018:6)
- Higher education institutions’ provision of premises – room for improvement (RiR 2018:15)
- Assessment of working capacity in cases of mental ill health – a process with great challenges (RiR 2018:11)
- Recovery of housing allowance – easy to make mistakes (RiR 2018:4)
- Refused sickness and activity compensation – effects on income and health (RiR 2018:9)
- The municipal financing principle – is it appropriately applied? (RiR 2018:8)
- For the sake of security – intelligence sharing between the Police Authority and the Swedish Security Service (RiR 2018:3)
- Over-utilisation of the dental care subsidy scheme due to overtreatment (RiR 2017:19)
- The Government’s corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with a public policy assignment (RiR 2017:37)
- Impact assessments for migration policy decisions (RiR 2017:25)
- Matching in the labour market – the significance of the composition of jobseekers (RiR 2017:26)
- Determination of parental benefit for the self-employed (RiR 2018:1)
- Sida-funded inter-agency cooperation – good prospects for aid effectiveness? (RiR 2017:36)
- Financial stability – macroprudential supervision as it should be? (RiR 2018:2)
- The Swedish Public Employment Service's labour market training – small regional differences in impacts (RiR 2017:21)
- Population registration – uphill quality work (RiR 2017:23)
- Oversight of legal representatives and municipal chief guardians – the central government’s lack of responsibility for the most vulnerable in society (RiR 2017:33)
- Application of the fiscal policy framework (RiR 2017:32)
- The financing system for nuclear waste management (RiR 2017:31)
- Specific government grants to schools – national priorities but local needs (RiR 2017:30)
- Support to solar power (RiR 2017:29)
- Why are higher education institutions building upcapital? – An audit of agency capital at Swedish public universities and university colleges (RiR 2017:28)
- The relocation of Kiruna and Malmberget – the Government and LKAB had inadequate decision-support data (RiR 2017:34)
- Income effects of the utility value system (RiR 2017:24)
- Road and rail investments in Sweden – lacking an EU perspective? (RiR 2017:27)
- Abolition of audit obligation for small limited companies – a reform where costs outweigh benefits (RiR 2017:35)
- Effects of the Swedish Public Employment Service's Preparatory and Orientation Training (RiR 2017:20)
- Annual report for the pension system – clear, sufficient and transparent? (RiR 2017:7)
- The Government’s treatment of recommendations from the EU, IMF and OECD (RiR 2017:22)
- The Career Stage Reform and the Teachers' Salary Boost – higher pay but less cohesion (RiR 2017:18)
- Supervision of nuclear power by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (RiR 2017:17)
- Access to Statistics Sweden’s register data – A matter of priorities (RiR 2017:14)
- Sami education – time for a restart (RiR 2017:15)
- From Evidence to Proof – the Forensic Organisation of the Swedish Police (RiR 2017:16)
- World class broadband? - The Government’s measures to achieve the broadband policy objective (RiR 2017:13)
- Housing allowance – from the perspective of distribution policy and the labour market (RiR 2017:9)
- The Government’s accounting for tax expenditures – as the Riksdag wants it? (RiR 2017:12)
- The Government’s medium term macroeconomic forecasts (RiR 2017:11)
- The Swedish Transport Administration’s road maintenance (RiR 2017:8)
- Efficiency and productivity of district courts (RiR 2017:6)
- The State and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions – final report on central government governance of health services (RiR 2017:3)
- Compensation to municipalities for migration and integration – a poorly designed system (RiR 2017:10)
- Internal audit at public agencies – a function in need of reinforcement (RiR 2017:5)
- An effective labour immigration system? (RiR 2016:32)
- Lessons from the refugee situation in 2015 – preparedness and management (RiR 2017:4)
- State corporate ownership – Timeliness of state holdings of enterprises (RiR 2017:1)
- Swedish agencies’ preparedness for the Brexit referendum (RiR 2016:33)
- Is sick leave good for your health? (RiR 2016:31)
- State investments in public fairways (RiR 2016:30)
- State governance through targeted government grants in health and medical care (RiR 2016:29)
- Digitalisation of public administration – Simpler, more transparent and effective administration (RiR 2016:14)
- A good work environment for all – Central government work environment initiatives (RiR 2016:23)
- International comparisons of income inequalities – Sweden’s ability to contribute statistics (RiR 2016:24)
- State aid to innovation and enterprise (RiR 2016:22)
- Conditions for secure power transmission – Governance of Svenska Kraftnät in implementing the energy transition (RiR 2016:28)
- Audit of the Budget Bill for 2017 (RiR 2016:27)
- Export controls on military equipment (RiR 2017:2)
- Predictable development aid – despite uncertain financing (RiR 2016:17)
- Establishment of temporary border controls at internal borders (RiR 2016:26)
- The State’s contaminated areas (RiR 2016:25)
- Teracom and terrestrial networks – media policy, monopoly and emergency preparedness (RiR 2016:18)
- Lifelong learning in higher education (RiR 2016:15)
- Are agencies’ interim reports necessary? – Benefit and costs (RiR 2016:16)
- Preparatory and orientation training – Governance, use and follow-up by the Swedish Public Employment Service (RiR 2016:21)
- Dealing with a complicated tax system – Making it simpler for companies (RIR 2016:20)
- Safe and effective medicines - how does the State manage pharmaceutical industry influence? (Full report) (RiR 2016:9)
- National Government Service Centre – Has administration become more effective? (RiR 2016:19)
- Accommodation for asylum seekers – the Swedish Migration Agency's arrangement of accommodation for asylum seekers (RiR 2016:10)
- Incorrect payments in social insurance – Control activities of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (RiR 2016:11)
- Information security work at nine agencies (RiR 2016:8)
- Consular emergency preparedness of the Swedish Foreign Service – equipped for effective action? (RiR 2016:13)
- National coordinators as a central government policy instrument (RiR 2016:5)
- Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences – contributes to Swedish research (RiR 2016:12)
- Audit of the Central Government Annual Report for 2015 (RiR 2016:6)
- Protection for pension savers - and pension companies’ investments in covered bonds (RiR 2016:7)
- The State’s credit losses on study loans (RiR 2016:4)
- Experiences of the PPP solution for the Arlanda rail link (RiR 2016:3)
- Oversight of law enforcement agencies - An audit of the Swedish Commission on Security and Integrity Protection (RiR 2016:2)
- Transparency in the Budget Bill for 2016 – Application of the fiscal policy framework (RiR 2016:1)